Wonhyo Institute operation and composition

Operation and Programs


Wonhyo Academy was first opened inside KIBS in 1988. The courses consisted of lectures that spanned twelve weeks each semester and were operated on a credit system. Depending on the credits earned, a degree named Bronze, Silver, Gold, Vaiḍūrya, or Mani was awarded. Wonhyo Academy was operated in this system until 2004. After a period of hiatus, it was resumed as lecture series on specific topics two to three times a year, being offered offline and online.


Recently Offered Courses

Spring 2021   How did Buddhism Become the Light of Asia?

Fall 2021        Buddhist Ethics and the Bodhisattva Ideology

Sping 2022    How did Wonhyo open the Dawn of Korean Buddhism?

Fall 2022        About a Human Being According to Buddhism

Spring 2023   Buddhist Monasteries and Buddhist Art in India

Fall 2023        Understanding Yogācāra

Spring 2024   Buddhism in Indian Civilizations: what did it inherit and how did it differ?




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Operation and academic/religious activities of the Korean Institute for Buddhism Studies, a non-profit organization, are made possible through your support.

Your support is invaluable in pursuing diverse activities at the institute and will be highly appreciated.