
Please support the KIBS and the Buryeon Academic Fund


The operation and academic/practitce activities of the Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies are carried out with the support of members and donors. It will greatly help the institute fulfill its academic and religious goals. We look forward to your generous support.

Sponsorship is divided into two categories: (1) the operation of the institute and (2) the Buryeon Academic Fund. The latter is used for academic activities such as publishing the jounral Bugyo yongu and organizing lecture programs at Wonhyo Academy.

If you would like to help, please deposit your donation in (1) the institute's account or (2) the Buryeon Academic Fund's account and leave with the institute a note that includes your name, email address or contact information, designated use, and deposit information.
We will check your personal information and send you a donation receipt.

Thank you for your valuable support.


KIBS Operation Sponsorship Account:
Kookmin Bank 474501-97-200062 (Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies)

Buryoen Academic Fund Sponsorship Account:
Kookmin Bank 817201-04-088973 (Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies)

Please inform us of the following information by email (

Email or Contact:
Deposit amount:
Designated use: [ ] Research institute operation
                               [ ] The Buryeon Academic Fund


Please support the Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies and the Buddhist Academic Fund.

Operation and academic/religious activities of the Korean Institute for Buddhism Studies, a non-profit organization, are made possible through your support.

Your support is invaluable in pursuing diverse activities at the institute and will be highly appreciated.