We seek the Truth and follow the Bodhisattva path
The Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies was founded in 1974 under the leadership of Professor Rhi Ki-yong, one of the foremost Buddhist scholars and a highly respected lay Buddhist leader in twentieth-century Korean. Based on the principle of Mahayana Buddhist thought laid out by its founder, the institute has conducted academic research and pursued a lay Buddhist movement for the last fifty years.
We welcome the participation of everyone interested in an intelligent and open-minded understanding of Buddhism and practice based on it.
KIBS 50th Anniversary Symposium
"The Future of Buddhism and the Path of Buddhists"
November 1, 2024 (10 am to 6 pm)
Korean Buddhist History and Culture Center, Jogyesa Temple
원효학당 하반기 강좌
지금, 여기에서 생각하는 불교의 근본 진리
일시 | 2024년 11월 6일(수)~ 12월 18일(수), 매주 수요일 6: 30 ~ 9:00
장소 | (사)한국불교연구원 서울법당(돈화문로 11가길 59 현대뜨레비앙 148호)
유튜브 라이브 I (사) 한국불교연구원 유튜브 채널
주최 | (사)한국불교연구원
후원| (주)동승
Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies
Continuing the Vows of Rhi Ki-yong.
Published by Bulkwang media, July 29, 2024
Please support the KIBS and the Buryeon Academic Fund
Operation and academic/practitioner activities of the Korean Institute for Buddhist Studies are carried out with your support. It will greatly help the institute fulfill its academic and religious goals. We look forward to your generous support.